"Don't Buy A 2013" Seriously?


Atomic UK

As a long time C6 owner of 8 years, split between two fabulous 2007 Z51s, I long ago decided the C6 is all I want from a more 'modern' Corvette.

I am also blessed to have a wonderful '73 Stingray for that very different vintage and raw experience, so these two model years tick all my boxes.

For various locational reasons, I will be looking to trade up on the C6 to what I thought was the pinnacle of the evolution, a 2013 final production year.

Sadly, due to a leg injury, the ZR1 and ZO6 are off the table, so I'm looking at a Grand Sport and fully aware of C6 issues like the harmonic balancer, steering column lock etc, I thought any issues would have been dialled out by 2013, so why do I keep seeing this in searches?

"We recommend staying away from the 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2013 models."

What's the deal with the 2013 and why should I avoid it - I've never seen any 2013 specific reasons listed?

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